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Lawn Care Tips For Survival During Texas Drought

Lawn Care Tips For Texas Drought

When it comes to maintaining a lush and vibrant lawn in the challenging climate of Texas, following essential lawn care tips is paramount. Texas’s scorching heat and sporadic rainfall can pose a serious threat to your grass, but with the right strategies, you can ensure its resilience. Choosing drought-tolerant grass varieties, mowing at the correct…

3 Ways To Use Facebook In A Move

3 ways to use facebook in a move

Utilizing Facebook When Transitioning Homes Can Be Very Useful Getting ready to move and settling into a new home takes time and effort. Using social media before, during, and after your relocation can make the transition easier. Here are three ideas of how to use Facebook to help you settle into your new residence. Connect…

SRES Newsletter April 2020

IRS Extends Tax Payments – Deadline The CoronaVirus is changing almost everything about daily life in America. That includes federal income tax too. TAX DAY IS NOW JULY 15, 2020 That means all taxpayers can defer federal income tax payments that normally are due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and…

Beware of Coronavirus Scams

coid19 fraud alert

Beware of Coronavirus Scams Not only do we have to worry about catching the coronavirus, we now have to worry about being caught up in any scams associated with it. Nothing makes me sicker to my stomach than heartless people taking advantage of fear and uncertainty. The FBI has started seeing an influx in people…